Quotes, college, and volleyball


I have not made a blog post in quite some time! I am not even sure if anyone will read this but sometimes I have good thoughts but I will leave that to the reader’s discretion.

I am a true believer in if there’s a song in your head you should probably listen to the words, it may be telling you something. For this particular post I am working the same theme, if there’s a quote in your head you should probably listen to it too. I think this one is too good not to share. One of my favorite coaches said something just a couple years ago that really stood out to me. This was long after I played on her team in 2013 but just when I needed it the most; “I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.” It still gets stuck in my head sometimes and just like songs get stuck in my head I think they are in there for a reason, to tell us something.

Now, I will say “hate” is a dramatic word here for my scenarios. As with anything you have to take things with a grain of salt.

When I think of this quote I think mostly of my college days. I was more of the “serious” one on my team. I was the last one out of the weight room because I never cheated a rep and would even spend most of my Friday evenings in the recreational area during spring season getting an extra lift in, not to mention the triathlons I would train for. I was a try hard (ok THE try hard) but I was trying hard for myself and doing things I truly loved. I guess putting in extra reps on a Friday night and missing the baseball “dartys” to go on a run isn’t your typical student-athlete idea of fun but I was okay with doing things outside the norm no matter who thought what about it!

As some of you may be transitioning into another phase of life I urge you to remember this quote. Especially to my girls going into college. Freshman year is HARD. As said best “it’s like being baptized by fire.” You’ll figure it out and make it through but at the end of the day who do you want to be? What version of yourself are you chasing? College years will morph you into your next version of yourself. In my opinion one of the best ways to prepare for whatever is going to be thrown your way is to really think “who do I want to be at the end of this year? At the end of my college career?” Or maybe you just take it day to day with “who do I want to be at the end of the day.” Even if you are the try hard, or the girl who needs an alone night, or abstains form the “formal” college Friday nights that’s okay, because at the end of it you’re closer to who you want to be instead of following the same sheep pack. A sheep is a sheep, they all look the same. And if you’re anything like me being content with being a sheep is just not your cup of tea.

I think about this quote a lot in my adult life too. I sometimes find myself doubting social situations depending who I am around. For those who don’t know be at a personal level, I’m kinda the no BS kind of person. I also tend to be blunt sometimes, but in no way would I ever go out of my way to initially hurt someone. I think the sport of volleyball kinda makes us this way for all the right reasons. If you know, you know.

There’s something about wearing this quote on your sleeve and really owning it. It can be comforting when needed and a kick in the booty when necessary.

Thank you Melissa for getting this one stuck in my head.


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