Today, Let’s Thank Our Bodies.

I’ve been there, when you stand in front of the mirror and pick apart everything you’d like to change, when your’e in yoga class and the only one who can’t touch their toes; when you’re on a roll with your fitness routine then break your toe and are limited to very restricted exercise and start to mildly freak out, and maybe the worst overall, comparing yourself to the “other girls” on social media. The reality is, when we arne’t happy with our physical state we are just comparing ourselves to a different human body (all bodies are different bodies) and we forget we all go through phases.

Finding freedom from the comparing yourself to others or even the old version of yourself comes with a major mind shift, and I truly believe the first and most important step is gratitude; gratitude for being your beautiful, unique self.


Today let's thank our bodies.

Today let's thank our legs, no matter the size or shape, because they give us the ability to move, jump, bike, play the sports we love.

Let's thank our arms for being able to carry heavy loads and put them around the people we love.

Let's thank our bodies for the stretch marks that help our skin adapt to our forever changing bodies.

Let's thank the dimples on our bottoms that are a reminder that we are healthy, we have some fat on us for proper human function.

Let's thank our bodies for being machines.

We must take care of these machines but we can not forgot to thank our bodies, not destroy them in front of the mirror.

They do a lot for you.

Show yourself some love.


The Power of Positive Mindsets

