The Power of Positive Mindsets

If I told you that you have complete control over your thoughts and beliefs about yourself would you believe me? If I said that you could change the way you move, breath, and react would you believe that too? As humans we often think that we “get told” what to think about ourselves by others…this should not be true. Or we get caught up in the the way we perform in school and on the court and think that “should tell us how to think” (also should not be true!). We buy into the self worthlessness that social media portrays upon us. We see the girl hitting harder on the other court and think “I’m not as good as her”. All these examples are toxic, but I relate to you because we have all had/have toxic thoughts. We have all been there and done that. If I could only count the times I had poor mindset in high school…but man have I learned from my mistakes! That is why you HAVE to believe me when I say the power of positive mindset is EVERYTHING.

I’m about to say the most important 5 word phrase… you are what you think. Repeat it with me… you. are. what. you. think. If you believe this, acknowledge it, and practice it (it takes practice), then you will be so ahead of the one’s who are not practicing positive mindsets. You can do endless reps in the gym trying to get your technique of your platform down, but if you don’t have a positive mindset then what’s the worth?

Let’s start here. Start with “I AM____” and fill in with a positive affirmation. When you’re busting butt on the court and you’re feeling your lunges burn think “I AM STRONG”. When you’re headed into a big match that is going to be a dog fight: “I AM FEARLESS”. When all your friends are following that horrible fad diet: “I AM ENOUGH”. Let’s start here. Believe me when I say your mind will shift and your body will shift with you. You will feel STRONGER, you will start to act FEARLESS, you will truly believe that you are ENOUGH! You can climb any mountain you put your mind to. Pay attention to your conversations with friends, to the conversations with yourself. Are they positive or negative? What’s the tone? How does your body react to this?

Remember- You are what you think.

(**note, my email is open at all times, I am here for YOU)


Cherish-as a verb


Today, Let’s Thank Our Bodies.